Saturday, April 28, 2007

New Phone: Music To My Ears

We got a new phone last week. Besides a boatload of "megahertz," it also comes with some other swell features, including the ability to select a ringtone from a myriad of choices. The ringtone I've chosen for the time being is identical to the song of the ice cream truck that annoyingly carouses our neighborhood in the warmer months--a high-pitched, spirited "Yankee Doodle" melody. Mind you, for the first few incoming calls, the kiddies clammored to the curb, whipping their necks left and right to catch the first glimpse of that dirty man in the dirty truck, peddling ice cream novelties and God knows what else. But after a few days of receiving phone calls, we've all become used to the ringtone... conditoned to the ringtone. Do you see the genius? Mama's going to have a whole lot of extra spending money this summer, and that, friends, puts me in Good Humor.