I Think Her Head is in the Sand
Actual conversation between my new neighbor (mother to 10-month-old twin girls) and myself:
ME: My friend has a plastic sandbox her kids don't use anymore. I thought you might like it for your girls.
NEIGHBOR: Oh. Um...a sandbox. Like a box that you put sand in?
ME: Yes. That's it. You've probably seen them--this one's shaped like a turtle and has a lid. It's in really good shape.
NEIGHBOR: So, I'd have to put sand inside of it?
ME: Yes. They sell bags of "play sand" at places like Home Depot.
NEIGHBOR: Hmm...a sandbox... Do I need one of those?
ME: Well, no, you don't "need" one, but sometimes they're fun for kids.
NEIGHBOR: Do you have a sandbox?
ME: Yes, we have a very big sandbox.
NEIGHBOR: The girls might like it... (brief pause) But they'd get sandy, wouldn't they?
Look her straight in the eyes...pause...and say, 'ARE YOU @#^&*#^ STUPID, LADY??" Don't judge her though as I bet she's really good at Sudoku!!
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Let me try that again...
Makes you appreciate how well you function and how with it you are, even on a bad day, huh?
Your new neighbor should stick her head back in her shell! Obviously, the turtle sandbox is the perfect fit for her.
If she changes her mind she can have mine. I have a Tugboat sandbox that is headed for the curb. Kelli, do you have a sandbox? BTW, Irene, you are hilarious.
Ah, remember the days when you could control the dirtiness and clutter in your house? The toys were always put back in their place. I think that ended when the first kid hits 11 months or so. Your neighbor will find out soon.
So we're not talking about my Emmy anymore? Is it over? We've moved on?
That's so yesterday's news.
Oh, Kelli has a sandbox alright but ask her if it has any sand in it! I mean sand that is out of the bag.
Anonymous...obviously you have not visited the SW lately. For if you did, you would know the sandbox has been fully operational since June!
Sw's sandbox may be operational, but permission granted for use?
Maybe you should take a trip with her on your trolley to the "Neighborhood of Make-Believe."
Let's be fair everyone...
SW's sandbox is up and working but it is still the oldest mother sandbox in the class.
What the hell are you people talking about with regards to my sandbox?? Irene tells me you are speaking in slang and I should be insulted...hey, all I know is I gotta sandbox in my backyard...You sickos should take that at for what it is. My goodness.
Go to urbandictionary.com and look up the definition for "sandbox." Sounds like Sub. Warrior needs a tube-a-lube around the house...instead of a tube of Butt Paste.
It's always something.
That urbandictionary.com has bogus word meanings. What kind of television programming are you typing subtext for? Obviously not EWTN.
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